Dean Maynard In South Pacific
I was so happy when Dean Maynard went into South Pacific as it was already I show I had a real fondness for even before he joined the tour, and honestly his time with the show did not disappoint. I have some extremely fond memories of watching Dean in South Pacific; he was really excellent in it and though he didn't have too many solo lines I always appreciated getting any chance to hear him sing. I got to see the tour in Manchester, Stoke, Edinburgh and Nottingham and every time Dean was jovial, warm and oh-so-kind to me, even though I am sure I was probably embarrassingly bold and ridiculous in some of the things I would say as I always tend to speak before I think around Dean as he just makes me feel too damn at ease! He's so laid back and friendly, always there with a quietly knowing, teasing smile even when I am grinning up shamelessly at him during a show. When the tour was in Stoke Dean was kind enough to invite me and my friend on a little backstage tour before one performance, showing us around the stage and taking the time out to chat with us both before and after the show, and I will never ever forget how kind and lovely he was to me when, in the midst of exam revision stress, I made a last-minute decision to go all the way up to Edinburgh just to see him in a matinee to cheer myself up. Chatting to Dean in the sunshine that day about exams and plans made me feel so much more calm and content and he really looked out for me, even amidst teasing me for coming all the way up from Stoke just for one matinee; I remember just being so very happy on the train home, so glad I had made the adventure. I spent the whole day just smiling and smiling, even when it was all over when normally the bittersweet of it ending would've gotten to me, and a large part of that was Dean's wonderfully warm soul. That warmth, kindness and calmness is really my overriding memory of my time visiting the stage door at South Pacific and I always remember it very fondly.