So, as I hope you will have noticed, the site maintenance/revamping has now been completed and published for you all to explore, with some more content added in places such as the Hints & Tips page and all the profiles for My Jellicles, including the addition of a new member: Mr Benjamin Yates who you should all go and read about and fall in love with too!! I am continuing to work on uploading the many photos and stage door stories which are not yet on the pages as well as adding to the existing pages for all my stage door trips as best I can, but this is a tricky and time-consuming process, so I hope you understand why it might still be some time before every page features the detail of the early stage door pages. In the meantime, I am exciting to let you know about some projects of mine which you will be seeing more immediately, however:
I hope you are enjoying the new At The Stage Door and I look forward to bring you this new content in the near future. Thank you for visiting and reading my site! xxx
My Theatre DiaryTags
October 2022